Our comprehensive prenatal classes educate families on the stages and phases of labor, breathing techniques, pain management, postpartum care, medications, epidurals, C-sections, breastfeeding and baby basics.
SCFO offers CPR training and certifications, doula training, fetal monitoring, hemorrhage, as well as support person training by our staff of trained professionals.
We offer legal protection 101 classes and legal assistance recommendations where needed. Our network of attorneys are available to step in on behalf of patients based on the specifics of each case.
We take pride in educating and helping patients understand their rights and responsibilities as well as"What to do if" training for situations that arise in the hospital or in your physicians care.
We help patients to understand hospital protocols, procedures and state laws so that they can advocate for themselves or their loved ones when needed.
We offer payment assistance for on demand medical records as hospitals are not allowed to charge patients more than $25 for their medical records.